Month: April 2008

  • Wow... I just realized how much my brain has mushed. I think it's evaporating right now as I type.

    I needed to do some simple algebra-like equation stuff today (I think) and had NO CLUE!!
    I used to be so good in math.
    Oh wow... this is really sad.

    Oh wow...

    Of all the subjects I learned in school... I think english and math had been most useful to life. My grammar ain't that good anyways and I just realized how bad my math sucks.

    Oh wow... today is a very sad day.

  • It's been so hot these past few days.
    I was slow roasted yesterday working from home upstairs in 101 degree weather.
    I found a really cute dress a few months ago so I decided to wear it for the first time today.
    It's an empire waist dress that's soft, flowy, and comfortable.

    But this is what I get…

    P: I didn't want to ask you in front of everyone…
    P: Are you???
    J: No!!
    P: Sorry, your dress is deceiving.
    J: This dress is confusing people.
    P: Sorry.
    J: It's okay. It's actually kind of funny.
    P: I was like, "Whoa!"

    Goodness, is my dress that much to have people "whoa" when there is nothing to "whoa" over?
    I bet there are others speculating but scared to ask.

  • Ahhh, I got splattered again!

    You know, when you peel off the foil seal on yogurt cups? The pressure built up inside spits out yogurt. I got splattered 3 times in the past week. You'd think I would have learned by now. They should have a section in an etiquette book on opening yogurt cups like there's a section on squeezing lemons.

    At the healthy cooking class, the lady highly recommended the Greek yogurt at Trader Joe's. Nancy's been saying the same thing. The cooking lady puts it in her smoothies. She eats it with granola. She sometimes puts it in her cereal with milk to give it a thicker consistency. She also recommended many other products at Trader Joe's like whole wheat pasta, couscous, quinoa (high in protein).

    I guess we just need to do things a little at a time. It's hard to be a healthy eater all of a sudden.

    But right now I'm going to have some sweet pork jerky. Why is this stuff so good?

  • I signed up for a one hour healthy cooking class yesterday at work where they showed us a few simple recipes. So for example, for those boxes of cake mix that you buy at the store… instead of adding in eggs and oil and water… you just add the bag of cake mix with a can of pumpkin! And it was still good! You don't taste the pumpkin! Someone in the group said that she mixes the bag of cake mix with a can of diet coke and nothing else. Interesting. But pumpkin is way better for you. There's a lot of good stuff in there.

    The instructor gave us some options for desserts... like gum.
    My friend and I looked at each other like  . GUM?! That's not dessert!!
    I still can't get over that she said gum. Well, she's a better woman for it. She's a mother of five year old TRIPLETS. And she looks good!

    Did you ever learn this in school?
    "Desert" is spelled with one "s" and "dessert" is spelled with two. That's because you want two servings of dessert! Yeah!

    I like to think I have two stomachs. One for food-food and one for dessert.
    Oh, some flan would be heavenly right now.

  • [S walks in the door with flowers and coconuts.]

    J: Woh, where did you get those flowers from?
    S: The flower store.
    J: What is it for?
    S: For you!
    J: For me?! Me?! Really?
    S: Yes.
    J: What for?
    S: I saw someone walking with flowers so I got you some flowers.
    J: Oh....

    Thank you, whoever you are, that was walking around with flowers!
    Its fragrance fills the room.

  • One of my favorite commercial is from Cymbalta, the depression medication. I'm in no way endorsing the med, but I believe some cases of depression require drug treatment. (Beware of withdrawls from these types of meds as well.) You know, the one that goes…

    "Where does it hurt? Everywhere. Who does it hurt? Everyone."
    Then there are various scenes of those in depression… not paying attention to the dog, neglecting the crying baby, not able to get out of bed, hiding away from people at the office... And then they take the medication and are able to function again; they play with their dog, they get a haircut, they laugh with their friends… "

    We all get depressed at some level/time, it could be something you can eventually shake off or range to the seriousness of taking one's own life. I don't think anyone in their right mind would actually take their own life… when one's so depressed, the chemicals in the head could just get so messed up.

    So messed up that committing suicide is the only logical way out. I hope I never allow myself to become so depressed... I used to think that suicide is cowardly and selfish... well, I still believe it to a point. It leaves many people hurting, blaming themselves, asking questions that can never be answered... not to mention a traumatic scene to clean up.  

    Anyway, please don't ever do it.

    Let's reach out.
    Let's bear one another's burdens.
    Let's have hope.

  • Are they giving away babies somewhere?
    There are pregnant people everywhere.

    If I don't start working out again, I'm going to look like I have my own baby.
    I am getting mushy.

  • My Dad is funny...

    J: Hey, there's a little bug in the soup!
    D: Don't worry, it didn't drink much.

    I'm glad they raised us up to not be picky eaters or make a big deal out of these things... not that there are often bugs in our food. My Mom got the bug out and I drank the soup.

  • hello waveDo you ever regret not smiling, waving, greeting someone?
    I feel like I regret these more often than I should.

    Have you ever been in an elevator with someone who you don't even know but they just exude friendliness? I love that. A simple "Good Morning!" and a smile is a perfect way to start the day. Rather than the shuffle-into-the-elevator, don't-make-eye-contact motions. It's amazing how a few exchanges of words or a (non-creepy) smile can leave you in a good mood.

    Today I walked pass someone in the hall and I smiled at him.
    He saw me smile but he was wearing a stone cold look.
    Okay, fine, I take back my smile!

    Then later that day, the same person walked pass my cubicle and waved at me with a big smile.
    I think he regretted his non-smile this morning so he came back to make up for it.
    His smile made my day. We don't know each other.
    And no, he's not hot or young.

  • There's this like girl-vulture on our floor. She sits somewhat close to our team.
    Whenever we have snack/food lying out, even though she is not part of our team, I'll see her look around and take one!

    I sit across from where they usually place the food so I can spy all the sneakies. I guess they think it's out in the open so anyone can take it. But that's not right. I wish I could ring some alarm which would cause a cage to fall on them! And they'd be trapped in there holding the food. Hahahaha! Ah... I amuse myself.

    Btw, my boss is back from her 2 week cruise.
    It's back to reality for the both of us.

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