Month: May 2008

  • Oh my gosh, the weekend can't come soon enough.

    I had such a tough day today in Stress city.
    I wanted to kill my computer b/c my computer almost killed me.
    I've never felt such rage toward a machine.

    Can I just hybernate until vacation time?
    Taiwan, here I come! Ah, I can't wait!

  • Wanted to share a funny video of a panda sneezing.
    I was in a sneezing fit like this panda yesterday, but not as dramatic.

    P.S. Do you notice that the older men have super loud sneezes?

  • I am happy this moring…

    I got a prime parking spot today!
    (I'm parking outside this month to save $60 which will go towards a blue tooth.)

    I just solved a very hard sudoku puzzle!
    (My brain still works.)

    I can sing 3 lines of a Korean song!
    (Well, one of the 3 lines is in English… stuck in my head.)

    My boss brought us chocolates from Europe!
    (European chocolates are the best!)

    Katelyn had her baby!!
    (I already love this little one.)

  • I about had 2 heart attacks this week...

    Monday morning:
    Should: Be at LAX by 5:30am for 7:00am flight to New Jersey
    Reality: Wake up in a panic at 5:35am! #!%#*@!!

    It was an absolute miracle that I got on the flight!
    I heard that if you're stressed and your significant other holds your hand, it helps alleviate stress. Of course it also depends on the quality of that relationship. I think it works!

    Wednesday morning;
    Should: Be in the NJ office @ 7:00am to prep for training class that starts at 8:00am
    Reality: Wake up in a panic at 7:55am. #!$%&@?#

    What the heck is wrong with me?
    I'm really not this irresponsible!

    Thankfully I can get ready in hyper speed when necessary and the office was a hop away.

    Ah, it's nice to be home.
    I'm going to have dinner with S...
    He's going to take me to get a boba...
    Then watch, "So You Think You Can Dance"!

  • Sometimes over the phone…
    P sounds like B sounds like V
    T sounds like D sounds like E
    X sounds like S sounds like F
    M sounds like N

    So people will elaborate…
    B as in Bob
    D as in Dog
    F as in Frank
    M as in Mary...

    I like it when they get comfortable and creative…
    B as in booze
    D as in dizzy dinosaurs
    M as in March Madness...

    Some of them will sit there until they come up with something clever for every single letter.
    So funny!

    This stuff keeps me sane.

  • playgroundI made a new friend!

    How exciting, huh?

    It's fun starting new friend-relationships.

    There's so much to learn about the other person. 

    I also need to work on maintaining/developing the ones I already have.

  • I've noticed that traffic has been pretty good lately. Every afternoon before I head home I check to decide which route to take. I'm seeing more green dots rather than yellows or reds.

    Gas prices are up. Use of mass transit is up. Unemployment is up.
    Less cars are on the road.

    I heard that if just 5% of cars are taken off the freeways, the flow will be smooth.
    By the way, the suggested definition of congestion = driving less than 35 MPM for more than 15 minutes.

    It's been wonderful lately, better than 35 MPM for sure. I'm willing to pay the higher gas prices to spend less time on the roads and get home sooner. But of course, there's a cap to most things. 

  • Today while I was driving home, there was a black Mercedes driving in front of me. I caught notice when I saw a hand stick out from the sun roof and threw something out of the car! Litterer!

    It looked like a man's hand. And he continued to throw things out every few seconds.
    So the next time he did, I honked at him! I rarely ever use the horn. Oh, I just felt so compelled.
    Oftentime, I wish I could become a cop in these moments and bust these law breaking people.

    There was one time where I saw some person throw out a chinese take out box and a pair of chopsticks! Ridiculous!

  • monkeys in luv

    1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12

      *  13  *

  • It's been a long time since I've purchased a CD. I've been getting most of my music lately through the library or just listening on It has like EVERYTHING! You can even make your own playlist off of other people's music. So cool. Ah, the digital age.

    But when it's an artist I love, I will happily pay my dues. I love having the little booklet and following along with the words. I love to read their "Thank You" page and the pictures on the pages.

    Kathryn Scott is an amazing artist. Her heart for God, her music, her voice... So lovely.

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