Month: October 2008


    calvin yuck

    Ahhhhhh *GAG*!!!

  • S remembered that I had bought him a plastic container for small pets the last time he caught a praying mantis. He dug around in the garage and found it…


    Then we went to my parents’ to get a hoe and a bug catcher contraption I had given to Amy.

    We swung by a near-by park to look for nice soil and branches for his little habitat. (I refer to most insects as a “he”. Unless it’s a ladybug, then that’s a “she”.)


    Saturday, we fed the mantid a bee (w/ fresh pollen). I wonder if that make it more delicious?

    Sunday the mantid ate a cricket that was visiting S’s parents’ house. It was really, really, juicy. I was kind of grossed out.

    Their mouths are scary. It’s like they have hands on their mouths to help them eat. Imagine you’re in a pie eating contest with your hands tied behind your back. You just lean your face toward the pie, but then you discover that there are little hands next to your mouth to scoop and turn the pie dish.

    Insects are cool.

    But I’m glad I’m human.

  • We caught a mantid yesterday!! It was just hanging out on the drive way behind our car. S is very excited.

    It’s huge and tan. I never knew that their eyes get dark when they’re in dim light. We’ve been reading up on them on-line.


    mantidIt’s fun to have a mantid pet… but this also means that we need to feed it, too! When I was walking toward our house yesterday, I saw a cricket moving on the cement from the corner of my eye. I tried to catch it but it slipped out of my hand. Darn, I was so close! The mantid could have had a nice, juicy meal.

    I’ve been working all day today so I haven’t had a chance to go outside and hunt for bugs. I wonder if I dug in the dirt outside I’ll find some rolly pollies… (how sad, I love rolly pollies)

    They say that we should feed it different kinds of live bugs to give it different nutrients. And it’s best to feed the prey something nutritious before you feed the mantid. What? I have to feed the prey, too? That’s too much.

    Let’s see how long we can keep this guy alive.

  • rise and shineDon’t you hate it when you set your alarm, but you set it for pm instead of am?

    Or, you set your alarm, then forget to turn it on?

    The latter was me today. I woke up about an hour late. But a supernatural power comes over me when that happens and I’m able to get ready very quickly. But it wasn’t bad because I didn’t wake up and had a heart attack.. just, “Aw, man, I forgot to turn it on?”

    I’m going to think of it as God’s way of giving me a little more sleep.
    Ah, that was nice.

  • I majored in Business w/ an emphasis in Accounting. I took so many accounting classes and realized in my senior year that I HATED accounting. By then it was too late, I just wanted out (of school).

    After graduation, I quickly forgot practically everything I learned. 

    But tomorrow I have a meeting about an issue that requires me to know some of this stuff… So I’m trying to somehow cram some knowledge into this anti-accounting brain via the internet.

    Listen to these terms and see if they make you feel good:

    Income Statement
    Balance Sheet
    Return on Investment
    Chart of Accounts
    Profit Center

    This is what accounting does to me.

  • circus animalsFirst my 401K took a big hit and then they tell me that they’re going to kill off Circus Animals.


    I haven’t had these cookies for a while but they were a happy part of my childhood. Now I’m getting all nostalgic and sad.


    How can this be?



  • I check every day before I head home to decide which route to take.
    When you hover over a circle or diamond it gives you more information.
    How sad that there is an animal on the road.
    I hope it’s safe. It must be so scared.


  • This White Rabbit candy is linked to the milk scandal.
    So, it’s best to not eat this stuff for awhile.

    White Rabbit Candy

    And just to clairfy, Nestlé milk products in China and HK are absolutley safe.